AMSec is the Amsterdam Cyber Security Center. It brings together experts from a variety of disciplines to study all aspects of cyber security. In particular, AMSec recognizes that cyber security needs not just the technical expertise to detect and stop attacks (or better still, prevent them), but also laws and regulations to deal with cyber crime, innovations in governance to better align the economic incentives of actors with the cost and benefits of security for society as a whole, a deeper understanding of the attack selection, production, and delivery process, as well as criminology, victimization studies, and aggressor studies that relate to ICT security.
Within AMSec, groups from technical Computer Science mix with researchers in Law, Criminology, and other disciplines from different institutes in Amsterdam. Check out the people page to see the senior researchers that are on board. All groups supervise their own Ph.D. and Master students. Collectively, they cover the most relevant aspects of cyber security, making AMSec the one-stop center of expertise in this increasingly important domain.
Finally, check out the News page to learn about the AMSec workshops and other events.