How do we unite the many different perspectives on security by design?
February 16, 2023
Van der Boechorststraat 7, 1081 BT Amsterdam
Seminar room: MF-A415
From 13.30 – 16:30 + drinks afterwards
With contributions from Bart Jacobs and Bart Preneel
Bart Jacobs, professor of Security, Privacy and Identity at Radboud University Nijmegen, tirelessly delves into matters that you sometimes would rather not hear, but need to know. He showed vulnerabilities in the public transport chip card, bank cards, voting computers, ‘smart’ meters and car keys, and in countless databases with private data. He also develops secure alternatives, such as the IRMA app that allows you to log in in a privacy-friendly manner.
Bart Preneel, professor at the Catholic University of Leuven, is a Belgian cryptographer and cryptanalyst. He co-invented the Miyaguchi-Preneel compression function, a robust structure used in hash functionsl. He is also one of the authors of the RIPEMD hash function and co-inventor of the MUGI and Trivium stream ciphers. Preneel contributed to the cryptanalysis of several cryptographic algorithms, including RC4 and SecurID.
Dr. Cristina Del-Real, assistant professor in Cyber Crisis at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) at Leiden University, is an expert on the multitude of definitions of security by design Previously she worked as a postdoctoral researcher in cybersecurity governance at ISGA. She is part of the NWO-funded project ‘Cyber Security by Integrated Design’ (C-SIDe),:
Dr. Erik Poll, associate professor in the Digital Security (DiS) group Institute for Computing and Information Sciences Radboud University Nijmegen, is an expert on software security. He leads the security by design work package at the INTERSECT project.
→ More contributors will be added soon!
Theme of the workshop:
How do we unite the many different perspectives on security by design?
How do we define security by design? And what grant vision do we have? What is its practical feasibility? In this workshop we will explore the topic ‘security by design’ from a hardware, software and policy perspective. The workshop involves inspiring key notes and an interactive panel discussion. There will be a lively discussion and interaction with the audience with key representatives from both industry, academia and government.
Provisional program:
13:30 – Public brainstorm: you are going to engage in a public brainstorm where we will try to find a common definition of security by design. What do you think is the essence of security by design?
13.45 – Keynote 1: Bart Jacobs
14.15 – Q&A
14:25 – Break
14:45 – Panel: Cristina del Real, Erik Pol, Jasper Nagtegaal
You will have the opportunity to observe an Interactive panel discussion discussing the role of government, industry and academia regarding security by design from different perspectives (“hardware & infrastructure”; “software & application” and “economics & policy”).
15:45 – Keynote 2: Bart Preneel
16.15 – Q&A and brainstorm: There is an opportunity for a Q&A and there will be a second public brainstorm on the definition of security by design. We will investigate together in what way the input of the public differs what this us? The insights gained in this workshop will be used by policy makers, academics and the industry to further align the efforts to make secure hard & software by design.
16:30 – Wrap up and drinks!